Monday 5 October 2009

Dana - Little Missy - Focus Group Questionnaire

Name:_______________ Age:_____

*You will now be played the song we are using for our A2 Media Coursework, ‘L:ittle Missy’ – by Danica Karic*

(Please circle your answers or write where necessary)

1. What three words would you use to describe the impression you get from this song?

2. What images come to mind when you hear the song?

3. Would you buy this song?

Yes No

Please justify why:

4. What audience do you think this song and artist appeals to?

Gender: Male Female

Age Group: Under 16 16-25 25-30 30+

Please justify why

5. What aspects of a music video do you consider important, and encourage repeat viewing?

6. Please read over the two video concepts we have given to you. Out of the two, which do you think best suits the audience and music?

Video Concept 1 Video Concept 2

Please justify your choice and state if there is anything you would change:

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