Monday 5 October 2009

Analysis from Questionnaire

Recently we held a focus group of people aged between fourteen and twenty-six which consisted of friends, school pupils and family members. There were around eighteen people that turned up to our meeting and we had varying results.

Most of the group thought that the song contained a lot of love; hate and humor; from this we have incorporated humor into our video concept as this describes the artist very well. We had anticipated that the focus group would pick these three words but it was good to actually hear from them to reinforce our ideas.

We asked them about certain images that came to mind when hey listened to ‘Little Missy’, the results contrasted with each other but we shared ideas and thoughts on it. They varied from playground romance to adult themes, like money, business and sexual deviance.

When we asked the group whether or not they liked the song not just if they would buy it, they were split down the middle. The boys enjoyed listening to the song but they said they wouldn’t buy it because it was “too repetitive” however the girls clearly loved the song and would buy it as they walked out the door humming the tune. This brings us onto our next question about audience, from the results the focus group felt that ‘Little Missy’ appealed to a much larger audience than we had suggested. They said the age gap was from sixteen to thirty. There was a unanimous decision about gender, they all thought the song was aimed at a female audience; this piece of information is very useful as it changes the dynamics of the music video completely.

When asked about important aspects of a music video mostly all of the group said that artist representation and gender roles are very significant. Furthermore a music video with a story, humor and purpose is much easier and more interesting to watch. The younger volunteers in our focus group said that if they could relate to the video concept it becomes more accessible to watch as most videos are aimed at a slightly older audience.

Generally people preferred video concept two as it was more humorous and easier for the younger part of the audience of 16-25 to relate to.

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