Wednesday 4 November 2009

Unfortunately over half term we were not able to follow our plans for filming as on one occasion one of our actors had a last minute meeting with his agent, and on our second filming date the person who was supposed to let us in to Powers Bar for filming, overslept and was not contactable.

We have therefore had to re arrange our filming schedule and will in the mean time be continuing with our project and beginning to research into our dig pack and website, whilst also continuing planning for our reorganized filming schedule, which is as follows:

Filming Schedule

Saturday 7th November

11:00 – Arrive at ‘Powers’ bar & set up music, stage and lighting

11:15 – Filming

12:30 – Lunch Break

13:00 – Filming

14:00 – Change Location to Sam’s House

14:30 – Filming in bedrooms

Sunday 8th November

11:00 – Arrive at Camden office location & set up music, props and lighting

11:15 – Filming

12:30 – Lunch Break

13:30 – Filming

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