Q. What gave you the inspiration to write these lyrics?
A. (She laughs) Funny story, it was years and years ago, my ex-boyfriend had this best friend who I knew was totally in love with him. I kept telling him that she loves you and he didn’t listen. She was easing her way into his life and I was like (she mutters under her breath) Bitch! So basically I got the inspiration from her and telling him that he was an idiot, also she was trying to get me out of the picture. She is Little Missy!
Q. Which Artists have influenced you the most?
A. Ah Lots really! Well actually I guess its different genres that have influenced me not artists, I just listen to everything that there is! So I have no specific person who I prefer. But I guess all this kind of alternative: rock, soft rock…um I’m not sure really! Literally, if I have a moment where I think that I want to kill someone, I would write a song about it!
Q. What genre do you consider your music to be?
A. Well for that song (little missy) it was mainly like pop/RnB, but now I’m changing. Most of my songs are like a soft rock, pop, soul I guess you could say.
Q. If you were to direct the music video, what kind of story would you have?
A. I think it would be interesting to have a teenage version of the story you already have, maybe it to be a high school setting rather than an office/club one. I like a music video to be colorful and exciting, different to an MTV video, if you understand what I mean? The two friends should end up hating each other! She should be angry but funny, she should look is about to kill her but she wont really do anything!
Q. What age group would you consider your music appeals to?
A. I’d say, from like fourteen to thirty. Although for this song because of the language probably a bit older, let’s say eighteen!
Q. Could you describe yourself and your personality in six words?
A. Hah, I’d say, my personality in six words?! Well…(she laughs to herself): Energetic, Inspired, Social, Musical, Fantastic (she cackles) I love myself! And I have been told I’m a ‘complete nutter’.
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