Friday 11 December 2009

Extra Footage Filming

We realised a short while ago that our original footage lacked pace, fluidity and furthermore the lip-synching was not what we had hoped. So we decided to film two takes of a medium shot of Dana singing the full song, this time she had learnt the words properly. Also we included a close-up and an extreme close-up of her face. To give Dana a more edgy personality we used a brick wall as the backdrop for the shots, also we had two light techincians on hand to help us create an ambience in these shots and to provide shadows to Dana and light up her face, much like in a night club scene.
The filming was quick and easy to do as our artist worked very well in the bright lights and coped very well with the amount of time we had to film it. We are now going on to our christmas break and we will be uploading the footage, editing it and finishing the website and CD cover for our artist.

Monday 7 December 2009

Website Design Update

Below you can see a second version of the website homepage for our artist Dana. We have incorporated an image of the artist singing which was taken on set at one of our locations; it has been cropped out using photoshop and placed on a brick wall background. We felt that the brick wall setting contrasted our artist who is sexy, classy and sassy. It was important to create an image of rebellion in our artist.
The text around it has remained the same but we hope to change the colour soon. We have opted for a single image of the artist rather than a scrolling slideshow because we feel that it is a more professional look.

Friday 4 December 2009

During the past few lessons we have continued to work on our website design. Our last images of the website included a picture of Dana that we had taken during our filming. Having studied other artist websites such as Beyonce and Katy Perry, we have decided that to achieve a more professional look for our homepage, we should change the background of our image to blend in with the layout of the website. We therefore used photo shop to cut the image from the following picture:

To achieve the following image, allowing us to experiment with backgrounds, which we have done below the following image:

These are some backgrounds we have experimented with:
Our preffered background was the brick wall, which is a 'texture' available on the wix software that we are using to design our website. We feel it is the most suitable as scenes in our music video include Dana singing on a brick wall background. The shabby look to the brick wall contrasts to Dana's glamourous image, demonstrating our desired representation of Dana as glamourous yet alternative. Due to the darker colour of our new background compared to the white that we had used before, it will be necessary to change the font colour in order to make it stand out, as the black is not easily identifiable.