Tuesday 9 March 2010

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Dana's Homepage

Below is the link to our completed homepage for our solo artist Dana...


Thursday 28 January 2010

Front and Back of CD cover

This is just another update to our CD covers, the first image is the front of the album case and the second is the revers side.
Note how the front has a more serious tone then the rear.

Editing Process

Today I am applying the finishing touches on our music video because of problems while filming with the cast and location, we have limited footage for our video. However this gives us a chance to be more experimental with the footage we already have, we will be incorporating video-on-video in the 'Little Missy', by which I mean that while Mandy, the office secretary works at her desk, Dana sings few lines on her computer screen. For this i had to research and use key framing as well as slowing down the shot of Mandy working due to some shaky camera movement.
Check back soon for more updates...

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Change of Design for CD cover

We have decided on a very different front cover for the single, little missy. We have chosen Leona lewis' front cover for "Spirit" as our inspiration and gone for a more personal approach to the audience.

Leona Lewis' album is all about her personal life and her views on love and relationships, therefore a close-up shot of her face has been used to represent her emotion and connection to her audience.

Here is the first screenshot of Dana on her new album cover:

You can see the huge difference betweeen the current album cover choice and the previous one.
We believe that Dana must be represented as a mature and beautiful woman. This new album cover also represents sophistication with the simplistic font and the main attention is focused on the artist.

CD cover update

From the image above, you can see that we have made good progress on the front cover for the single "Little Missy". We have changed the font of Little Missy and inserted lipstick lips and added a salmon pink background. We decided to change the white background to the current colour because it is quite a soft and neutral colour whereas the white was very harsh and not aesthetically pleasing.

Below is the reverse of the CD case:

This is just the beginning of the reverse side of the CD cover, but as you can see we have carried over the background to the back to continue the soft and neutral colour. The reverse side of a CD cover is not often looked at by someone looking through a music shop therefore we feel that it should have a more intimate and edgy photo of our artist, Dana. We will include the songs and videos on the CD but because it is only a single, we will need something to fill the space.
Check back soon for more updates!